


The probably most important aspects are summarised in Leo Babauta “Zen To Done“. Other keywords to search for include: Personal Kanban, Pomodoro Technique, Eating the Frog, Eisenhower Matrix, GTD, …

Scientific Writing

  • General scientific structure for publications (borrowed from “Tipps zum Schreiben von Konferenzpapieren“)
    • Title (1 sentence): core contribution
    • Abstract (~7 sentences): context, problem, related work, own approach, evaluation, results, outlook
    • Introduction (~8 paragraphs): context, problem, related work, own approach, evaluation, results, main contribution, structure
    • Structure (~6 sections): introduction, related work, own approach, evaluation, summary and outlook, references
    • Details
      • Context: broadly, what is problem area, why is it interesting and important?
      • Problem: what is problem we specifically consider, why is it hard? (e.g., why do naive approaches fail?)
      • Related Work: Survey past work relevant to this thesis. Why hasn’t it been solved before (related work)? Or, what’s wrong with previous proposed solutions?
      • Own approach: What are the key components of our approach and how does it differ to related work?
      • Evaluation: What are the (expected) results and how will we have validated them?
      • Result: the (expected) scientific surplus value and outlook


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