2019/05 Invited Talk: “Edge Computing for IoT”, Strategy Forum Internet of Things, Berlin
2019/04 Invited Talk: “Current Trends within the Industrial Internet of Things: End to End Data Processing”, DECHEMA PRAXISforum Big Data Analytics in Process Industry, Frankfurt
2019/03 Invited Talk: “Edge Computing: Parallel Systems in the Age of the Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT)”, PARS-Workshop of the Gesellschaft für Informatik, Berlin
2019/03 Presentation: “Smarte Daten im Knowledge Graph, die Grundlage einer zukunftssicheren Bereitstellung Offener Daten”, FOSSGIS, Dresden
2019/01 Invited Talk: “Exploring Standards at the Edge”, The Edge Congress, Amsterdam
2018/11 Organizer: “Industrial Internet of Things Forum”, Fraunhofer FOKUS, Berlin
2018/11 Organizer: “Edge Computing Forum”, Fraunhofer FOKUS, Berlin
2018/10 Invited Talk: “Herausforderungen im industriell genutzten Internet der Dinge”, IoTcamp, Berlin
2018/08 Consulting: Spokesperson of the IoT expert group at the digital strategy process “Zukunftsbild Digitales Österreich 2040-2050”, Krems, Austria
2018/07 Presentation: “Presentation: Applying Linked Data Paradigms for Regional Weather Data Reanalysis.”, International Symposium on Regional Reanalysis, Bonn
2018/03 Presentation: “Wertschöpfung durch Linked (Open) Data in Unternehmensprozessen”, DGfK PFGK18, München
2017/11 Invited Talk: “Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT) Interoperability Challenges”, Tel Aviv Week, Berlin
2017/11 Organizer: “Industrial Internet of Things Forum”, Fraunhofer FOKUS, Berlin
2017/11 Organizer: “Edge Computing Forum”, Fraunhofer FOKUS, Berlin
2017/10 till 2018/07Guest Editor: “Special Issue Mobile Edge Computing”, MDPI, Computers Journal
2017/10 Invited Talk: “Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT) Interoperability Challenges”, Einstein Center Digital Future (ECDF), Berlin
2017/06 Presentation: “IoT Architectures for Interoperability”, IoT Tech Expo, Berlin
2017/05 Invited Talk: “Interoperability in the Industrial Internet of Things”, IDTechEx, Berlin
2017/05 Presentation: “Grundlagen und Anwendungen der Industrie 4.0”, Building IoT, Heidelberg
2017/05 Invited Talk: “Gehören alle Daten in die Cloud? Der Weg zurück zu verteilten Systemen”, SIBB Forum Digital Platforms and Technologies, Berlin
2016/12 Invited Talk: “Fog-based Stream Reasoning for the Industrial Internet of Things”, 6th International Stream Reasoning Workshop, Berlin
2016/11 Organizer: “Industrial Internet of Things Workshop”, 7th FOKUS FUSECO Forum, Berlin
2016/11 Presentation: “Industrie 4.0”, Inaugural Berlin Industrie 4.0 Meetup
2015/10 Invited Talk: “IEEE P2302 Standard for Intercloud Interoperability and Federation”, ISO TC 204 (Intelligent Transport Systems) Workshop, Berlin
2014/11 Organizer: “Session: Ontologies”, GENI-FIRE Workshop, Paris
2014/03 Organizer: “Session: Cloud Federations and SDN/NFV”, Future Internet Assembly, Athens
2013/10 Invited Talk: “Fed4FIRE Ontologies – State and Standardization”, GENI-FIRE Workshop, Leuven
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